We had a great night last week at Enrichment Night last week! The FINAL GPS Lift Off Family Enrichment Night is tomorrow night at the Public Library! 6:00 pm-8:00 pm! Join us for Social Studies Night! Come for food and fun!
over 1 year ago, GPS
Enrichment Night
Please update your enrollment information by July 15th, 2023! These required forms are needed for your child to be assigned a homeroom teacher, get a complete schedule, and start classes! Call the District Enrollment Office at 580-338-4340 with questions or for help logging in. The Enrollment Office ONLY will be open until 6:00 pm on the following Tuesdays: TOMORROW! June 27th, July 11th, July 18th, & July 25th! The office is located at 111 NW 11th Street!
over 1 year ago, GPS
Enrollment Update
GPS Lift Off Family Enrichment Night is tonight at the Public Library! 6:00 pm-8:00 pm! Join us for Math night! Come for food and fun!
over 1 year ago, GPS
enrichment night
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. Happy Flag Day!
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Flag Day
**ATTENTION** Family Enrichment Night TONIGHT at the Public Library (outside activities) has been canceled due to the weather. THANK YOU!
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Did you know you can improve your child's learning by doing one simple thing? READING! Children can lose up to two months of reading development over the summer break. There are many services that offer digital ebooks for free for kids! Click a link for FREE ebooks from Barnes and Noble and Read a book with your child! https://www.barnesandnoble.com/b/free-ebooks/kids/_/N-ry0Ztu1 (for English) and https://www.barnesandnoble.com/b/free-ebooks/_/N-wZ1z13w9sZry (for Spanish) There are books for you, too! Search for an age-appropriate book for your reader!
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Summer Reading
GPS Summer Enrichment, or LIFT OFF, is a chance for families to come and enjoy activities together! Everything, including food, is provided! TODAY from 6 pm-8 pm, at the Guymon Public Library, we will be having more FUN! Bring your kids for Science Night where they can make slime, make ice cream, ride scooters, and do color experiments. Look for more information coming soon on the rest of the month's activities!
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Enrichment 2
Homer Long, Northeast & Carrier Elementary parents...This is it! July 1st is the final day to order your back-to-school supply kit from 1st Day School Supplies! Ordering from 1st Day guarantees you the exact supplies your child needs for the start of the school year, with only the brands you trust and respect like Ticonderoga, Crayola, Elmer's, and Clorox. Plus, you're going to save up to 30% over shopping at Target, Walmart, or even on Amazon! Don't wait, buy early and save! Order here: http://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=85666
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Supply Order Info
Reminder: ALL PARENTS please complete your annual returning student(s) required forms in Wengage/sylogist ed NOW! These required forms are needed for your child to be assigned a homeroom teacher, get a complete schedule, and start classes! Complete the forms by July 15th! CLICK THIS LINK to log in! https://ok.wengage.com/Guymon/ Call the District Enrollment Office at 580-338-4340 with questions or for help logging in. The Enrollment Office ONLY will be open until 6:00 pm on the following Tuesdays: June 13- TOMORROW! June 27 July 11 July 18 July 25
almost 2 years ago, GPS
required forms
Reminder: ALL PARENTS please complete your annual returning student(s) required forms in Wengage/sylogist ed NOW! These required forms are needed for your child to be assigned a homeroom teacher, get a complete schedule, and start classes! Complete the forms by July 15th! CLICK THIS LINK to log in! https://ok.wengage.com/Guymon/ Call the District Enrollment Office at 580-338-4340 with questions or for help logging in. The Enrollment Office ONLY will be open until 6:00 pm on the following Tuesdays: June 13- TOMORROW! June 27 July 11 July 18 July 25
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Required Forms
Join us Tuesday, June 13th for LIFT OFF! This is a chance for families to come and enjoy FREE activities together! Everything, including food, is provided! Next Tuesday from 6 pm-8 pm, at the Guymon Public Library, we will be having more FUN! Bring your kids for Science Night where they can make slime, make ice cream, ride scooters, and do color experiments. Look for more information coming soon on the rest of the month's activities!
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Summer Enrichment 2
Last night was our first LIFT OFF Tuesday Family Enrichment Night. LIFT OFF is a chance for families to come and enjoy activities together! Everything, including food, is provided! Next Tuesday from 6 pm-8 pm, at the Guymon Public Library, we will be having more FUN! Bring your kids for Science Night where they can make slime, make ice cream, ride scooters, and do color experiments. Look for more information coming soon on the rest of the month's activities! Thank you Anchor D Bank for the Pizza!
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Lift off Graphic
Lift Off Sign
boy eating pizza
Beau Hawkins Reading
Student Reading
Student Reading
Thank you Anchor D
GPS Summer Family Enrichment is ready for LIFT OFF!! Every Tuesday through June (4 Tuesdays), students Grades K-6 from 6-8 pm at the Guymon Public Library. Food provided, first come first serve. See you there!
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Summer Enrichment
GPS is hiring Support Staff and Coaches! Please apply today at https://www.guymontigers.com/o/gps/page/employment.
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Job Postings
We are hiring! Please consider working for us! Apply today at https://www.guymontigers.com/o/gps/page/employment!
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Job Posting
Academy Elementary had so many fun events for students at the end of the school year! The 4th Graders had an Egg Drop competition! THANK YOU, Guymon Fire Department for your help!
almost 2 years ago, GPS
Fire Dept Egg Drop
Egg Drop
Fire Dept Egg Drop
Free breakfast and lunch for kids 18 and younger started Tuesday, May 30th, and goes through Friday, June 30th, Monday-Friday at North Park Elementary, 14oo N. Crumley. Breakfast is from 8:30 am-9:00 am, and Lunch is from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm. Adults can eat but must pay for their meals.
almost 2 years ago, GPS
summer lunches
lunch summer menu
Guymon Junior High ended the year on a high note with awards and fun. Good luck in High School 8th Graders! Here is the 8th Grade video link! https://youtu.be/Zb4wroMcJKk
almost 2 years ago, GPS
GPS logo
Senior packets with your high school diplomas are ready to pick up starting tomorrow, May 24th. We will be available 7:30 am to 4 pm. Seniors: Be sure you bring NHS and Valedictorian stoles back with you in order to pick up your packets. You must also be clear on all fees and technology returned.
almost 2 years ago, GPS
class of 2023
Congrats again to the Class of 2023! We are so proud of you!
almost 2 years ago, GPS